Monday, June 18, 2007

DRX 9000 and spinal decompression compared to manual flexion distraction
Many patients have been questioning the difference between spinal decompression via the DRX 9000 and standard flexion-distraction technique via the cox or leander table.Dr. Davis in San Fransico gives the answer below.What's special about spinal decompression on the DRX9000 vs. traction or(flexion distraction) is that the DRX9000 has a brain. It is fully computerized. When you pull on the spine, the muscles resist. The DRX9000 senses this and makes adjustments, over 20 times per second. It has bi-directional motor that allows it to spin backwards and forwards at super speeds while at the same time maintaining a constant tension, or logarithmic curve. In a nutshell, it is able to slice through all the muscle spasm and isolate on a specific spinal segment and create separation. This is the big difference between traction which stretches and pulls everything which could make the problem worse. That's way a traction machine costs $2500 and a DRX-9000 cost over $100,000.
I also see a trend in Chiropractors that don't have a spinal decompression table automatically either discredit any table or buy the cheapest one and call it spinal decompression.
I have always invested in the best equipment on the market for my practice, I don't like to cut corners and buy cheap.

New Non-Surgical Back Pain Treatment Offers a Healthy Alternative to Back Surgery
Recent studies have suggested that back surgery may not be necessary for the relief of back pain. Manhattan spinal decompression specialist Dr. Steven Shoshany is pleased to offer a new, non-surgical treatment for herniated disks.
(PRWEB) June 17, 2007 – With more and more studies pointing to back surgery as an overused treatment for back pain, Dr. Steven Shoshany (, a Manhattan spinal decompression specialist, is pleased to announce a new non-surgical treatment for back pain sufferers. Spinal decompression is proving to be a great last resort before surgery. The procedure may also help with failed back surgeries.
According to two recent studies in the New England Journal of Medicine, back surgery is often not necessary for back pain and non-surgical treatments can relieve some of the suffering.
Neurosurgeon Wilco C. Peul, MD, head of the spine intervention study group at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands, led a study of 283 patients with confirmed cases of severe sciatica. The study found that 95 percent reported recovery after one year, whether or not they had surgery.
“Americans have back surgery twice as much as people in other countries,” said Dr. Shoshany. “1.5 million disk operations are done worldwide each year, but surprisingly many of these operations do not need to happen. Non-surgical treatments have been proven to be just as effective.”

Spinal decompression causes a decompression to the spine that sucks the disk material back into the disk and brings fresh blood flow to the area, while helping with the healing process. An exam and MRI will determine the level of treatment for each patient and Dr. Shoshany said patients are usually back to their daily activities within two to three weeks after treatment.
"What's interesting is that more and more studies point to the fact that back surgery should be a last resort when all other methods have failed," said Dr. Shoshany. “For anyone considering surgery to get rid of back pain, this is a healthy alternative treatment they may want to consider.”
Spinal Decompression is FDA cleared and a well-documented treatment; it is a safe and effective treatment for herniated disks. Visit or for a spinal decompression specialist in Manhattan.

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