Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Slipped Disc treatment NYC-Manhattan Herniated disc treatment

Manhattan Chiropractor comments on "slipped disc".
www.drshoshany.comMost of us have heard the term “slipped disc,” which refers to dysfunction or injury to a spinal disc.

This is actually an incorrect term, as the disc is incapable of slipping out like a child’s block slips out of the stack. The term herniation is correct, although there are others commonly used, and describes the pushing or protruding of disc material, possibly onto pain-sensitive structures.

Anyone who has experienced pain from a herniated disc will likely describe the sensation as excruciating and made worse with movement. Usually the pain will shoot down an arm or leg, as opposed to staying in one place. Also, numbness and/or tingling may be present. There are many courses of action that may be taken. Let’s light the path so you may find the way to prevention, and if needed, appropriate treatment.

The bones of the spine have spacers between them called discs. These maintain distance between important structures and provide a modicum of shock absorption. The disc has two parts: the outer ring and the inner jelly-like substance. Picture a jelly doughnut and you are not far off. The “jelly dougnhut” does not have a blood supply and this makes for a structure that struggles to meet its nourishment needs on a good day. On a bad day this amounts to a structure that is slow to heal once it has been injured. The good news is spinal discs often can heal with the right approach.

Sometimes discs are injured from catastrophic injuries, but usually injuries result from everyday activities, such as incorrect lifting, slipping on the ice, and other daily tasks that are too numerous to mention. It is my opinion that single events, such as incorrectly lifting a heavy object, are not as much the cause. Rather, poor habits over time add up until mechanical failure occurs. Examples include routinely bending at the waist to lift, poor workstation ergonomics, a general lack of physical fitness, loss of normal spinal curvature, and even chronic dehydration may be a factor. By far the most common area of spinal disc injury is in the low back, and only about 10 percent of injuries occur in the upper back and neck.

Many published scientific papers have documented the progression of disc problems. They often conclude that with conservative treatment, the disc will heal and symptoms will resolve. Seldom is surgery required. There are a few signs that merit immediate investigation: loss of bowel or bladder control, an inability to bring the top of the foot toward the shin, loss of feeling or weakness in an arm or leg, and pain accompanied by fever. This list is not all-encompassing, nor is it a substitute for the advice of a health care professional.

Spinal decompression therapy is one of the most effective and state-of-the-art types of non-invasive care for disc problems. A computer-driven unit is used to gently open the disc space, allowing hydration and nutrients to return to it and facilitate healing. MRI studies have demonstrated a retraction of disc material during this type of treatment. However, there is a certain criteria that must be met in order to be a qualified recipient of decompression therapy.If you would like to learn more how Spinal Decompression can help you visit my website

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