The DRX9000™
True Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression System™ in New York
Axiom Worldwide, created the DRX9000™ to assist healthcare providers in their effort to treat back pain conditions. With treatment on the DRX9000™, your patients can non-surgically achieve relief from their debilitating back problems. By combining technology and science, physicians can utilize the DRX9000™ to offer patients an alternative to surgery.
The DRX9000 True Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression System™ provides a primary treatment modality for the management of pain and disability for patients suffering with incapacitating low back pain and sciatica.
The DRX9000 True Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression System™ is designed to provide pain relief for compressive and degenerative injuries of the spine. Through the application of spinal decompressive forces to these injuries, the DRX9000™ has given patients relief from back pain and has allowed them to resume the activities they love.
Advanced System Diagnostics
Constantly monitors the device’s critical subsystems.
Audio Headphones
Allows patient to listen to music, educational video, music, or a movie.
Automatic Shoulder Support System
Improves patient positioning and comfort.
Cervical Pillow
Provides patient comfort and allows patient to view DVD.
Floating Lower Mattress
Allows natural elongation of patient’s spine. Specially lubricated bearings incorporate X-1R certified space technology to improve life and performance.
Knee Rest
Improves patient comfort.
Lumbar Selector
Adjusts system to proper angle for specific lumbar disc treatment.
No-Slip Harness Tensioner
Effortlessly tightens and secures patient harness to bed.
Operator Remote Hand Control
Allows healthcare provider to easily position patient.
Patient Documentation
Prints treatment record for proper patient documentation.
Patient Media System
Provides healthcare provider a tool for advanced patient education through DVD/CD presentation.
Patient Safety Switch
Gives patient the ability to immediately stop treatment if necessary.
Platform Scale
Weight scale data transfers directly into treatment computer.
Power On Switch & Emergency Stop 15-amp circuit breaker rocker switch initializes system. Stop button immediately releases tension and pressure.
Table Positioner
Automated vertical & horizontal bed tilt positioning.
Touch Screen Computer
Easily select treatment parameters without the need of a separate keyboard and mouse.
Treatment Dynamics
Highly visible displays - monitor treatment from across a room.
Treatment Positioner & Tensioning Cable
Therapeutic forces are delivered to the patient through the tensioning cable, which can be raised and lowered by the treatment positioner.
This is what is different about the DRX 9000, I had a patient that went to another doctor that told him that his Triton table was better than the DRX 9000.
My response was that it is not even on the same playing field.
There will always be a leader, The DRX 9000 is clearly the leader when it comes to spinal decompression technology.
New York Spinal decompression
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