DRX 9000 FAQ
DRX9000 Therapy: Most Frequently Asked Questions
As non-surgical spinal decompression therapy gains popularity in the chronic pain community, more and more back pain sufferers may want to learn if they qualify for the DRX9000 treatment. Below you will find a list of the most frequently asked DRX9000 therapy questions.
Who qualifies for the DRX9000 treatment?
Patients that may benefit most from non-surgical spinal decompression therapy could be those with: Pain from a herniated or bulging disc that is more than 4 weeks old. Recurrent pain from a failed back surgery that is more than six months old. Continual pain from degenerated discs and have not responded well to four weeks of traditional therapy. Patients with four weeks availability for treatment protocol. Patients with a minimum age of 18.
What can I expect during treatment?
During each 30-minute treatment session the patient relaxes comfortably on a heavily-padded bed. After being secured into position by an upper and lower body harness, the patient can completely relax by watching a DVD, listening to music, or simply taking a nap. Typically, each 30-minute session is divided into 18-phases where spinal decompressive forces alternate between a maximum and minimum therapeutic level.
What will I experience during the course of therapy?
Some patients may experience light side effects with this form of treatment. Mild muscular discomfort during therapy could occur. The feeling would be comparable to what a person may feel at the commencement of a new exercise routine. The majority of patients find this treatment rather comfortable and relaxing. For the period of 30-minute sessions, many patients feel a gentle stretch in the lumbar spine and have a tendency to fall asleep. Adjunctive treatments to non-surgical lumbar decompression normally include electrical stimulation and cold therapy. A lumbar support belt and/or exercise are often prescribed to preserve the benefits of non-surgical lumbar decompression therapy and advance patient compliance.
Am I still able to receive treatment on the DRX9000 if I have had back surgery?
Yes. It really depends on the kind of surgery you had. If you’ve had plates, screws, cables, and/or any sort of metal implant inserted in your spine you would not be a candidate for therapy.
Are there any exclusions why someone could not be treated on the DRX9000™?
The DRX9000™ cannot treat patients with: compression fractures, pelvic or abdominal cancer, prior lumbar fusion, severe osteoporosis, spondylolisthesis (unstable), pars defect, Pathologic Aortic aneurysm, disc space infections, severe peripheral neuropathy, hemiplegia or cognitive dysfunction
Can I be treated during my pregnancy?
No. Pregnant patients can’t be treated.
While under DRX9000 treatment, will my activities be restricted?
During the initial two weeks of treatment, patients are instructed to limit activities and are placed on light duty at work. After the second week of treatment, beginning activity is permitted. Patients who have improved by 50% are instructed on various lumbar stretching exercises to be performed in conjunction with treatment.
After finishing my 20 treatments, will I ever need to be treated again?
Patients will be put on a strengthening and rehabilitation program for about 4-6 weeks to help strengthen paravertebral musculature. Patients are to return one month after treatment for evaluation and follow-up to see if maintenance DRX9000™ treatments are needed.
To learn more about non-surgical spinal decompression therapy and the DRX9000, please contact your
local DRX9000 physician.
If you are seeking DRX 9000 treatment in NYC visit my website